Rural Health Care and Reform

Today’s healthcare challenges are many in the current environment of prolonged healthcare reform. Rural health nursing leaders are challenged with transforming practices and creating new cultures that meet the demands of a diverse range of patient needs, including the management of chronic disease. Gone are the days when the medical provider directed all of the care, today’s nurses and doctors have now become partners in wellness for patients in the rural healthcare setting. By the unique nature of rural health, there has been highlighted a greater awareness and understanding of contemporary issues facing rural health nurse leaders. This new paradigm in rural health requires nurses to manage dual roles as members of the community and health service delivery system, while managing the complexities associated with this new relationship. Nurse leaders must quickly develop new education delivery models that serve to increase the capacity and capabilities for nurses to practice at the top of their licensure, and provide care based on the best possible evidence. Through situational leadership, nurse leaders can be both directive and supportive in the success of these new models.

In the typical rural healthcare setting teams are comprised of many levels of expertise. From the entry level receptionist and medical assistant, to the seasoned registered nurse and medical provider, newer models of patient-centered care are placing demands for better decision making and astute clinical judgments. How do nurse leaders train and educate to this in a time of many competing priorities, including a lack of time and adequate resources? According to Northouse (2013), situational models demand that nurse leaders match their style to the competence and commitment of the subordinates. Effective nurse leaders are those who can recognize what educational needs the medical team has, and then adapt their own style to coach and meet those needs. Nurse leaders can use a situational style approach in an attempt to influence others in learning, in that it will improve the knowledge of the care staff and the level of excellence in patient outcomes. To accomplish this aim, nurse leaders will need to adopt a coaching approach that is both highly directive, as well as highly supportive.

The contemporary issue at hand is in developing an ongoing education and competency program, within the financial and time constraints so common to today’s rural healthcare clinics. The healthcare organization today, and its leaders must develop a strategy for incorporating this into the newer models and expectations of medical and nursing teams, and the Patient Centered Model of care. There is a need for a highly an educated workforce with nurses as equal partners, specific to the needs of rural health. To meet this aim nurse leaders must develop constructive processes that meet the newer regulatory demands and newer models of care.

Today’s patient centered models of care are dependent on effective, value based relationships. Moving an organization from a task oriented culture to one with a focus on developing relationships as an effective new approach to better outcomes for the increasingly complex patient will take effort. Applying effective leadership to this situation means that contemporary leaders must learn the art of relationship centered communication and exhibit the behaviors to the team that will result in a growing trust of the newer system. As much as the healthcare climate has changed, and placed new expectations on the healthcare teams in the rural setting, so has it on the demands for new learning on the nurse leader.In this new model of care the medical team is being asked to demonstrate communication and socio-emotional competencies as never before.

Lead Like a Skinny Cow

Recently my organization underwent a grueling boot camp style, dramatic and innovative healthcare system process redesign. It was a rip the band-aid off fast approach, and two weeks of asking people to quickly change many of the ingrained daily processes they had known for many years. Set-up for organizational failure?

Nope. I was impressed by the speed at which we were able to accomplish much, while never losing a soul. One of the reasons it worked out so well was due to our Sherpa’s. In the Tibetan region of the Himalayas, Sherpa’s are guides that are highly regarded as elite mountaineers and experts in their local terrain. Our assigned “Sherpa’s” commanded leadership to get out of the way, sought positive opportunities for change at the front lines, and guided staff in doing what they needed to do. As leaders our sole role was to get behind them, coach them, and support them. It worked well.

Read the rest of the story, and the thoughtful wisdom of many others the 2014 International Leadership Blogathon:

Everything I Know About Leadership I Learned at the Gym

This is a blog from more than a year ago but the principles hold true for me today! Everything I know about leadership, I learned at the gym. Okay, maybe not everything, but I’ve learned an awful lot. I’ve learned that there are quite a few fitness habits that if used as a catalyst in […]

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Celebrate Smart- Be the Nerd

When I came across this the other day I had to smile. I love this quote. I haven’t been here much lately because, well frankly, I’ve been off celebrating being smart. About a year ago I delved into my Masters studies, not because I want to drive a BMW….okay maybe I do. I went back […]

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Booty Poppin’ Sunrise Shepherd Pie

This recipe looks complicated but it’s really not. Its organic, good protein, low-carb, and gluten free if you are sure to get gluten free cheese, most cheese is. The two spices that may be tricky to find are Aleppo Pepper and Canella. I found them both at Dean and DeLuca in Napa- one of my […]

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Entering a Global Market

Many entrepreneurs enter the global market for a variety of reasons. Why is it important for entrepreneurs to learn to think globally? What are the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurial ventures to move into the global marketplace? What must entrepreneurs consider when entering the global market? From the research a global entrepreneur is an individual, […]

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Estranged Relationships

There is a little talked about, silent epidemic that is growing among families-parental estrangement from adult children. No matter the reasons or how it initially happened one thing is clear, it is the child’s reality and nothing you can do or say will convince them otherwise. Dr. Joshua Coleman has done much work on the […]

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The Melding of Personal and Professional Technology

Can you think of examples in your life where your personal and professional technology are intertwined? This is a topic near and dear to me. As technology moves forward we must take care to guard the blurring of lines that comes with it. In an article on technology and innovation by John Havens (2013) in […]

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Organizational Change

Change is hard, ask anyone. As Daniel Goleman points out in “Primal Leadership” (Goleman, D. 2002, Pg 116), one only needs to think back on our previous successes as well as our failed attempts at change. Let our annual pilgrimage to aspiring New Year’s resolutions serve as ample evidence of this. Successful change is based […]

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Juicing-It Isn’t All About the Fruit

I had a comment last week about juicing and blood sugar spikes for those with pre-diabetes and diabetes; rightly so, especially if you have already been diagnosed with the disorder. This recipe for my healing detox smoothie is not only okay for those concerned with blood sugar spikes, but it can actually help to cure […]

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Life through the Eyes of Another

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. […]

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8-Steps to Personal Transformation

Change is hard, ask anyone. As Daniel Goleman points out in “Primal Leadership” one only needs to think back on our previous successes, as well as our failed attempts at change to see it. Our annual pilgrimage to aspiring New Year’s resolutions serves as ample evidence of this. Effectively changing our lives requires us to reverse […]

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Name the Day!

Maybe today is the day! What will be your intention today? What will you name the day? Will it be Service? Will it be Growth? Maybe you might choose Inspiration and Find Your Voice. Then where will you send the intentions? To your marriage, your work, your children? What ever it be, make it yours, […]

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Obesity in the Workplace

Obesity is always a touchy subject, and with the new cautions on obesity and discrimination in the workplace, most won’t touch the subject with a ten foot pole. The evidence shows we’ve got to, and I’m happy to! Obesity does not define who someone is, it is a condition. An unhealthy condition than can be […]

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Organizational Artifacts: Blurred lines or Precious Gems?

At the heart of all organizations lie the observable artifacts, and we as leaders influence them. Observable artifacts are all of the things we notice; the things we see, hear, and feel when we engage in a new group setting in an unfamiliar culture. Observable artifacts are all of the visible parts of a group’s […]

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Rise and Shine!

Every new week, every new day is a new opportunity to choose what we will do to shape our lives and our selves. What will you choose today?

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When They Simply Go Away: Love and Loss

The past seven days in our house have been spent in wonder and in worry; and in searching for Scout. Scout is our friend, our aging friend that brings us so much joy. Scout is 12 years old and has diabetes. Scout is blind and on insulin. Twice a day I say “It’s Insulin time!” […]

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Goethe and Growth and Change

Although to some it seems like a no brainer, the most up to date research tells us that when we fail to change, we fail to grow. It is not so much that we grow old, it is that we grow stagnant. Without a renewable source of energy that encourages change and renewal in which […]

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Conflict and Clarity: 7 Elements to Address Both

Conflict is a necessary part of leadership. With opportunity and growth comes change. Change potentiates conflict. A common conflict situation I have experienced in the workplace occurs when there is a lack of clarity in the direction desired or agreed upon roles and duties for all members of a team. This can create negative results […]

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Making Change

In order to grow we must change. It doesn’t happen overnight. Change happens on a day in, day out basis, whether we like it or not. You either ignore change, resist change, or make change. If you want to make change you must check-in with yourself on a daily basis. If you want to grow […]

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A Dose of MO!

Getting in a dose of healthy MO this morning. My Morning Omega’s! My focus this week has been in slowing things down a bit and this morning is no different. I love to spend Saturday mornings catching my breath, taking my time, and enjoying all I am blessed with. It’s all quiet in my kitchen […]

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In the quest for success and excellence the victor is most often the gladiator that learns to overcome their obstacles. Learning to not only be good at, but to love obstacles, is a way of life and an attitude. An obstacle is nothing more than a problem that has not yet been solved. When we […]

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Building a Personal and Professional Infrastructure

Conditioned leaders have a mind, body, heart, and spirit that gets its sustenance out of addressing the gaps in our personal and professional infrastructure. I have just spent two wonderful days at an IHI conference, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. I devoured two days of amazing training from the best of the best experts when […]

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Calculated Moves

Leading well is an artful craft that requires calculated moves. Living well is much the same, an artful craft that requires calculated moves. It is rare I do anything that is not calculated. Forgive me, it’s the process improvement geek in me. If I can’t improve upon it, it does not warrant my time, AND […]

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The Heart and Mind Connection

With my current research studies, I find that my time to sit down and creatively write often loses in competition with higher priorities. After an experience last week I felt compelled to write. I was in LA waiting to catch a flight home. It was an especially busy airport and I stood outside the lounge […]

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Calculated Moves

Originally posted on Live Love Learn Laugh Lead:
Leading well is an artful craft that requires calculated moves. Living well is much the same, an artful craft that requires calculated moves. It is rare I do anything that is not calculated. Forgive me, it’s the process improvement geek in me. If I can’t improve upon…

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An Internal Treasury

In my studies this week the conversations turned to the experience of natural setbacks in life and how we each handle them. Sometimes our setbacks are so difficult we cannot see to focus on our goals, and we’ve only the energy to ‘not give up,’ and can only muster the energy to merely stick to […]

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The Serving Leader

Kenneth R. Jennings is a best-selling author, speaker, and active consultant in organizational leadership, serving as Chairman of Third River Partners. John Stahl-Wert is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, and expert in growing great leaders, serving as Director of the Center for Serving Leadership. Together they co-authored The Serving Leader – now revised and updated for the 10th Anniversary Edition and available […]

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Fear and Failure-The Emotional Constraints of Leaders

Originally posted on Live Love Learn Laugh Lead:
< As a leader we can be the driver of the emotional constraints not only of our employees, but also ourselves. Which type of emotional constraints affect you most in your teams? Fear of being criticized? Fear of making a mistake and looking foolish? Avoiding conflict in…

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How far have you come?

Sunday is my most favorite day of the week. It’s me time to reflect, connect, appreciate, respond to lifes gifts, and engage in that inner connectedness with all things important that sometimes gets lost in the waves of everyday life. I love the words of Romans 8:28…In all things God works for the good of […]

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I am ever aware of what seems like a growing number of people and family members that have chosen to shut out the lives of others. We do this with such a quick brisk exit that there is no time or opportunity to learn how to agree to disagree. When we do this our actions […]

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What’s Up for 2015?

Tomorrow begins for me an annual pilgrimage, a two week period of time that I look forward to each year with great enthusiasm and energy. I have selfishly embraced this time for more than 20 years, finding time to be mindful in evaluating my life, my contributions, my progress toward goals, am I on track […]

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Defying Gravity

Defying gravity is a science, an art, and a labor of love. Aging gracefully should be embraced with abandonment and include healthy activities that bring you great joy! What will you do today to invest in a healthy aging way of life? 

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Handel-ing Happiness

I was driving this morning, and tired of the same old morning radio rhetoric, I picked up my iPhone, clicked the Ted app icon, and with touch of the screen I said “Inspire me!’. What came up was Daria van den Bercken: Why I take the piano on the road…and the air. Throughout this talk, […]

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